The Call of Fall

Our fall photo shoot is one of our most anticipated outings of the year.  It allows a lucky few of us to escape the brutal Texas heat and head off to heed the call in some cooler climes.  This year, we picked the Eastern Sierras in California as our destination thanks to the lobbying of amigo and longtime resident, Seth Blackamore.  A crack squad of Howler Ambassadors and amigos quickly jumped on board for the ride. 

The Sierras delivered in a big way with a wealth of fishing, bouldering, bowling, t-bone smashing and all around revelry.  It was hard to migrate back to Austin when it was all over.  So, we kept the good times rolling by throwing in a little bonus stop off in the great state of Montana with a fresh cast of characters. We picked up right where we left off in the Sierras - dive bar hopping, bonfire hanging and cabin dwelling.

Here’s a photo journal of the crew putting our Fall 2022 Collection through the paces shot by Boone Rodriguez and Sam Roberts.  Thanks for the good times Montana and California.  See you again soon.