Standard Shipping (UPS)
Free Standard Shipping to the contiguous US on orders over $99. This excludes expedited shipping and all international orders.
All standard orders will ship from our warehouse within 1-2 business days. Once you reach checkout each shipping method will have an estimated delivery date.
All standard shipping will be shipped with either UPS Ground or UPS Surepost, depending on the shipping address. Orders over $99 will be offered free shipping to the US. Orders under $99 will have a cost $7, this will be calculated at checkout based on your cart value.
Alaska and Hawaii shipping addresses will have a $12 shipping cost.
Express Shipping (UPS)
All express orders will ship within one business day (M-F). Please see the estimated delivery date once you reach checkout.
UPS 2-Day Shipping: $20
UPS Overnight Shipping: $30
International Shipping (UPS International)
All international sales are final and all import taxes, duties, and fees are the responsibility of the customer. Transit times may vary but should be delivered within 1-2 weeks.
- Canada and Mexico: $40
- Rest of World: $80
Special Requests
Please email if you have any special shipping requests or need further information.